Western Regional Advanced Practice Nurses Network
Education. Leadership. Collegiality.

How to get your AANP membership discount for being a WRAPNN member!

Posted over 5 years ago by WRAPNN Board

Just an FYI with instructions on how to get the AANP discount for being a member of your organization:

NP members may qualify for a discount if you belong to a local, state or national organization that is a current member of AANP.  For a list of current NP organization members, visit orglistings.aanp.org. 


If mailing/faxing in your application or renewal form, please include the name of the NP Organization group you are associated with to receive discount. 

If joining or renewing online, the NP Organization discount is available and visible to members who select the NP category.  To locate/receive the NP Organization discount follow these steps:

  • Log-in at https://my.aanp.org(using your complete email address and registered password)
  • Select “Renew Your Membership” or “Join” (buttons located right below box showing your account information)
  • Update your profile / Click on “Next”
  • Select “Membership-NP” (an additional box will appear)
  • Begin typing the name of the NP Organization and select the NP Organization name
  • Optional Choices – Choose SPG, donate to AANP-PAC, and/or choose to auto-renew your membership, click on “Next”
  • The “Please review and submit your order” page will appear and will display the discount as a line item:  “Membership – NPO $10 off”; Unit Price/Total Price will display ($10.00).

For changes to an auto-renewal, such as membership category, the addition of NPO discount, removal of an SPG, and change or removal of a PAC donation, requires members to contact the Membership Department Hope Ball at Direct Phone512-505-2352 or Direct Email: hball@aanp.org

We want to encourage students to consider joining as well because of the great opportunities for networking, CE and discounted rate. 

  • Thank You for passing this information on to your members!

Sheryl Giordano, DNP, APRN-C

Nevada State Representative